Glenn Albrecht (Aus)

Glenn A. Albrecht is an Honorary Associate in the School of Geo-sciences, The University of Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. He retired as Professor of Sustainability, Walter Murdoch University, in mid-2014. He continues to work as an environmental philosopher and published a book, Earth Emotions, with Cornell University Press in 2019. Earth Emotions was published in French and Spanish in 2020.
In numerous publications and public talks over the last two decades, Dr Albrecht has developed the theme of the psychoterratic (psyche-earth), or negative and positive emotional states connected to the state of the Earth. New concepts, developed by him, are now becoming well established in the international scholarly literature, new research theses and as inspiration for many creative people in the arts and music.
He currently lives at Wallaby Farm on Wonnarua Land in NSW. He describes himself as a ‘farmosopher’, combining thinking and writing with growing food and protecting a haven for wildlife. While he is best known for creating the concept of solastalgia, or the lived experience of negative environmental change, his most recent work develops the meme of the ‘Symbiocene’, a future state where humans re-integrate with the rest of nature. A book of that title should be completed and published by 2024.