The Culturele Stelling Amsterdam can be understood as a defensive line in and around the city of Amsterdam, in which 34 independent creative initiatives, self-sustaining live-work spaces, and free cultural venues have come together. In these affordable buildings and adjacent areas, more than ± 4000 artists, cultural entrepreneurs, and activist spirits reside. They experiment and produce, but also engage in open-for-public programming to bring innovation, culture, and adventure to the city.
The Cultural Stelling, along with numerous other societal initiatives in Amsterdam, are deeply concerned about current developments in the city, particularly the affordability of living and working spaces for creatives and individuals with limited financial resources. They see that not only their own free spaces are at risk but also that insufficient new free spaces are being added to the city as counterbalance.
The importance of this free space for the city is also evident on the city map regularly launched by the Culturele Stelling. It provides an overview of all affiliated similar organizations and diverse initiatives in every corner of Amsterdam. These places are visibly connected to each other, both through the urban fabric and through the shared values, visions, intentions, and working methods they embody.