Lisa Doeland (NL)

Lisa Doeland (1982) is a philosopher. She lectures at both Radboud University and the University of Amsterdam in ethics and in contemporary issues, such as ecology, green ideology, the Anthropocene and the Apocalypse. In her PhD research she explores the myriad ways in which we are haunted by these things we (call) waste. Drawing on the work of philosopher Jacques Derrida and psychoanalyst Jacques Lacan she traces the “spectre of waste” and sketches a hauntology of waste, that forces us to rethink being (ontology) – to be is to haunt and be haunted – and allows us to critically reflects on (eco)modern myths and fantasies, such as recycling without remainders within a circular economy. She is the author of Onszelf voorbij. Kijken naar wat we liever niet zien (2018) and Apocalypsofie. Over recycling, groene groei en andere gevaarlijke fantasieën (2023).