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Video's of the 2023 symposium
In Progress with video-editors notes – for technical information please email Olivier Jansen
00 Introduction to the video’s by Aja Waalwijk
01 Aja Waalwijk introducing the 10th edition of the symposium and the history of Free Cultural Spaces (about Aja Waalwijk)
02 Glenn Albrecht (1) Introducing the theme “Towards the symbiocene?” (about Glenn Albrecht)
03 Erik Swyngedouw (about Erik Swyngedouw)
04 Lisa Doeland (need slideshow) about waste (about Lisa Doeland)
05 Adrian Ivakhiv Professor of Environmental Thought and Culture (about Adrian Ivakhiv)
06 Discussion Glenn Albrecht, Erik Swyngedouw, Lisa Doeland, Adrian Ivakhiv
07 Bruno Doedens (need slideshow and second film) about landscape architecture (about Bruno Doedens)
08 Emma van der Leest about biodesign (about Emma van der Leest)
09 Alexander Rinnooy Kan (about Alexander Rinnooy Kan)
10 T.J. Demos founding director of the Center for Creative Ecologies (about T.J. Demos)
11. Paul Behrends (need slideshow) (about Paul Behrends)
12. Esmee Geerken (missing slides) (about Esmee Geerken)
13. Elmo Vermijs (about Elmo Vermijs)
14. Vasilis Kokkoris (need slideshow) on microbial ecology and genetics (about Vasilis Kokkoris)
15. Christiania The autonomous Freetown of Christiania in Kopenhagen (about Christiania)
16. Chris Julien (about Chris Julien)
17. Oliver Szasz co-founder of Symbio(s)cene (about Oliver Szasz)
18. Aetzel Griffioen eco-social learning from primary education to MBO (about Aetzel Griffioen)
19. Sjors Roeters the world of capitalism, the problems it causes and the resistance against it (about Sjors Roeters)
20. Caroline Hummels (need slideshow) professor Design and Theory for Transformative Qualities (about Caroline Hummels)
21. Klaas Kuitenbrouwer (about Klaas Kuitenbrouwer)
22. Tomas Čepaitis from Uzupis Republic, Vilnius, Lithuania (about Tomas Čepaitis)
23. Shirley Kranak Krenak indigenous leader and environmental activist (about Shirley Kranak)
24. Myra Driessen, Masja Ottenheim-Plomp
25. Han Bakker (about Han Bakker)
26. Maik ter Veer, A.K. Bouwman (need film “Astroloop 2023”) founder and creative director of Robodock (about Maik ter Veer)
27. Glenn Albrecht (2) practical examples to live by in the symbiocene
28. Timoty Morton (about Timoty Morton)
29. Henk Oosterling (need some slides) (about Henk Oosterling)
30. Jem Bendell professor of sustainability leadership (about Jem Bendell)
31. Elin Kelsey (about Elin Kelsey)
32. Discussion Jem Bendel, Elin Kelsey, Henk Oosterling, Timoty Morton
33. Marco de Goede
34. Philipp Blom (about Philipp Blom)
35. Floris Alkemade architect and urban designer (about Floris Alkemade)
36. Edwin Gardner how will Amsterdam look like in 2093? (about Edwin Gardner)
37. Golnar Abbasi artist/architect, researcher, and publisher (about Golnar Abbasi)
38. Zoénie Liwen Deng focuses on the intersection of art, technology, and science (about Zoénie Liwen Deng)
39. Yentl Schattevoet about the New Age in the symbiocene (about Yentl Schattevoet)
41. Closing Event: Myra Driessen, Henry Mentink, Jeremiah Wolf, Aja Waalwijk, boattrip to townhall, August Dirks, declaration (about Henry Mentink) (about Jeremiah Wolf)